28 April 2011


Besides from the plate of bacon, these gents seem to be pretty alright...and smoking is trendy, so eat this up. Newport Reds, from Red Hook Ny, initially, the band had a single up, and it nearly was good enough to merit a little write up, but we all like more than one song at a time. The band's FREE demo has four tracks, the first of which is a bit of a doo-wop-y serenade for a deaf woman titled Icesurfing. The second song, in the interest of time won't be talked about. Their third track, Cannibalism is Wrong is a some ear candy for sure; it's a short vocal prominent static dream, much like their last track (also the first track released by Newport Reds) Isolated Expectations. Newport Reds have  screamed, shouted, yelled, serenade'd, and ooo'd their way into DIE POP, now take a listen and a FREE DOWNLOAD.


1 comment:

  1. hey its me newport reds! thanks so much for the writeup, your'e the first person who i don't know personally to give a shit about what i'm doing. just so you know its just me on all instruments and i'll be making more music soon
